Oban may be small but it has plenty of variable activities to offer, both for free and when you want to treat yourself.


Hope Kitchen is a local charity not only providing food for people in need but it has also created the Green Shoots Open Garden out of town and organises regular beach cleans, while providing an opportunity to meet locals and likeminded people in their daily cafés.

Volunteering at Riding for the Disabled (RDA), based at Achnalarig Stables, provides an opportunity to make a difference in the lives of disabled children and adults while gaining just as much yourself and boosting your own well-being.

Keep Oban Beautiful is a community-based project aiming at making Oban more attractive to both residents and visitors and you can get involved on your own or join a group, tackling anything from gardening, litter picking, or repairs.


The Oban area offers many different walks (see Wee Walk Oban), here are some of my favourites:

  • McCaig’s Tower with a view over Oban Bay and the islands
  • Oban shorewalk to memorial and Dunollie castle – if you’re lucky you’ll spot the local otter Ollie
  • Beinn Lora (Benderloch) – hillwalking with a view over Tralee Bay and even Dunstaffnage
  • Sutherland Grove (Barcaldine) – forest walk with waterfall
  • Fearnoch forest (Taynuilt)
  • Take a ferry to explore the island of Kerrera


Atlantis leisure centre offers anything from swimming, fitness classes, gym, tennis, amongst other sports. ReCentre has a variety of yoga and pilates classes, and boxing and martial arts classes are offered by Oban Boxing Fitness and Oban MMA, respectively.

Sea Kayak Oban organises day trips, courses and expeditions for all levels (beginner to advanced) and can point you towards the best spots all over the west coast. Other popular destinations among marine science students include the Puffin Dive Centre and the Oban Sailing Club.

Memorable horse-riding lessons and treks can be set up through Achnalarig stables and close by you’ll find Glencruitten Golf course in the beautiful outskirts of Oban.

Food and Drinks

Oban is known as the seafood capital of Scotland with several excellent seafood restaurants around town, including the Seafood Hut (Green Shack), Eeusk, and several fish and chip shops such as Nories and the Oban Fish and Chip Shop.

Live music can be found in bars such as Markie Dans or The View, although Wetherspoons is the favourite among SAMS students.


Wildlife boat tours from Oban are offered by Allan’s Boat Trips, Oban Sea Tours, Argyll Sea Tours and Basking Shark Scotland, as well as by Seafari Adventures from Easdale, finding local wildlife including birds, seals, dolphins, porpoises, whales, otters, and basking sharks.

Oban Phoenix, our community cinema, screens a variety of films and events for all ages every week. Other events, including concerts, conferences, or exhibitions, can be found at the Corran Halls.

Oban Public Library provides study space, computer access or just a place to relax and browse.

For anybody who’s desperate to spend some time around dogs, Borrow My Doggy can help you find dogs in your area and set up walks with them, for a small joining fee.

All activities are either in Oban or can be reached by bike or by bus.

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